
Creates and manages Certificate Manager AutoCertificate objects.

Manages a CM AutoCertificate.

Example Usage

resource "ionoscloud_auto_certificate_provider" "example" {
  name = "Let's Encrypt"
  email = ""
  location = "de/fra"
  server = ""
  external_account_binding {
    key_id = "some-key-id"
    key_secret = "secret"

resource "ionoscloud_auto_certificate" "example" {
  provider_id =
  common_name = ""
  location = ionoscloud_auto_certificate_provider.example.location
  key_algorithm = "rsa4096"
  name = "My Auto renewed certificate"
  subject_alternative_names = [""]

Argument reference

  • provider_id - (Required)[string] The certificate provider used to issue the certificates.

  • location - (Required)[string] The location of the auto-certificate.

  • common_name - (Required)[string] The common name (DNS) of the certificate to issue. The common name needs to be part of a zone in IONOS Cloud DNS.

  • key_algorithm - (Required)[string] The key algorithm used to generate the certificate.

  • name - (Required)[string] A certificate name used for management purposes.

  • subject_alternative_names - (Optional)[list][string] Optional additional names to be added to the issued certificate. The additional names needs to be part of a zone in IONOS Cloud DNS.

  • last_issued_certificate_id - (Computed)[string] The ID of the last certificate that was issued.


The resource can be imported using the auto_certificate_id and the location, separated by :, e.g.

terraform import ionoscloud_auto_certificate.example location:auto_certificate_id

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