
Get information about IONOS Object Storage Objects.

The Objects data source can be used to search for and return existing objects.

⚠️ Note: The Terraform provider only supports contract-owned buckets. User-owned buckets are not supported, and there are no plans to introduce support for them. As a result, user-owned buckets cannot be created, updated, deleted, read, or imported using this provider.

Example Usage

data "ionoscloud_s3_objects" "example" {
  bucket = "example"
  prefix    = "prefix1/"
  delimiter = "/"
  max_keys  = 100
  fetch_owner = true

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • bucket - (Required)[string] The name of the bucket where the objects are stored.

  • encoding_type - (Optional)[string] Specifies the encoding method used to encode the object keys in the response. Default is url.

  • prefix - (Optional)[string] Limits the response to keys that begin with the specified prefix.

  • delimiter - (Optional)[string] A character used to group keys.

  • max_keys - (Optional)[int] Sets the maximum number of keys returned in the response body.Default is 1000.

  • fetch_owner - (Optional)[bool] If set to true, the response includes the owner field in the metadata.

  • start_after - (Optional)[string] Specifies the key to start after when listing objects in a bucket.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are returned by the datasource:

  • keys - A list of objects in the bucket.

  • common_prefixes - A list of keys that act as a delimiter for grouping keys.

  • owner - The owner of the bucket.

Last updated