
Creates and manages IonosCloud Kafka Cluster objects.

Manages a Kafka Cluster on IonosCloud.

Example Usage

This resource will create an operational Kafka Cluster. After this section completes, the provisioner can be called.

# Basic example

resource "ionoscloud_datacenter" "example" {
  name     = "example-kafka-datacenter"
  location = "de/fra"

resource "ionoscloud_lan" "example" {
  datacenter_id =
  public        = false
  name          = "example-kafka-lan"

resource "ionoscloud_kafka_cluster" "example" {
  name     = "example-kafka-cluster"
  location = "de/fra"
  version  = "3.7.0"
  size     = "S"
  connections {
    datacenter_id =
    lan_id =
    broker_addresses = [
# Complete example

resource "ionoscloud_datacenter" "example" {
  name     = "example-kafka-datacenter"
  location = "de/fra"

resource "ionoscloud_lan" "example" {
  datacenter_id =
  public        = false
  name          = "example-kafka-lan"

resource "ionoscloud_server" "example" {
  name              = "example-kafka-server"
  datacenter_id     =
  cores             = 1
  ram               = 2 * 1024
  availability_zone = "AUTO"
  cpu_family        = "INTEL_SKYLAKE"
  image_name = "ubuntu:latest" # alias name
  image_password    = random_password.password.result
  volume {
    name      = "example-kafka-volume"
    size      = 6
    disk_type = "SSD Standard"
  nic {
    lan  =
    name = "example-kafka-nic"
    dhcp = true

resource "random_password" "password" {
  length  = 16
  special = false

locals {
  prefix = format("%s/%s", ionoscloud_server.example.nic[0].ips[0], "24")
  server_net_index              = split(".", ionoscloud_server.example.nic[0].ips[0])[3]
  kafka_cluster_broker_ips      = [
    for i in range(local.server_net_index + 1, local.server_net_index + 4) :cidrhost(local.prefix, i)
  kafka_cluster_broker_ips_cidr = [for ip in local.kafka_cluster_broker_ips : format("%s/%s", ip, "24")]

resource "ionoscloud_kafka_cluster" "example" {
  name     = "example-kafka-cluster"
  location = ionoscloud_datacenter.example.location
  version  = "3.7.0"
  size     = "S"
  connections {
    datacenter_id =
    lan_id =
    broker_addresses = local.kafka_cluster_broker_ips_cidr

Argument reference

  • id - (Computed)[string] The UUID of the Kafka Cluster.

  • name - (Required)[string] Name of the Kafka Cluster.

  • location - (Optional)[string] The location of the Kafka Cluster. Possible values: de/fra, de/txl. If this is not set and if no value is provided for the IONOS_API_URL env var, the default location will be: de/fra.

  • version - (Required)[string] Version of the Kafka Cluster. Possible values: 3.7.0

  • size - (Required)[string] Size of the Kafka Cluster. Possible values: XS, S

  • connections - (Required) Connection information of the Kafka Cluster. Minimum items: 1, maximum items: 1.

    • datacenter_id - (Required)[string] The datacenter to connect your instance to.

    • lan_id - (Required)[string] The numeric LAN ID to connect your instance to.

    • broker_addresses - (Required)[list] IP addresses and subnet of cluster brokers. Note the following unavailable IP range:

  • broker_addresses - (Computed)[list] IP address and port of cluster brokers.

⚠ NOTE: IONOS_API_URL_KAFKA can be used to set a custom API URL for the kafka resource. location field needs to be empty, otherwise it will override the custom API URL. Setting endpoint or IONOS_API_URL does not have any effect.


Kafka Cluster can be imported using the location and kafka cluster id:

terraform import ionoscloud_kafka_cluster.mycluster location:kafka cluster uuid

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