
Get information on DbaaS MongoDB Cluster objects.

The DbaaS Mongo Cluster data source can be used to search for and return an existing DbaaS MongoDB Cluster. If a single match is found, it will be returned. If your search results in multiple matches, an error will be returned. When this happens, please refine your search string so that it is specific enough to return only one result.

Example Usage


data "ionoscloud_mongo_cluster" "example" {
  id	= "cluster_id"

By display_name

data "ionoscloud_mongo_cluster" "example" {
  display_name	= "display_name"
  • display_name - (Optional) Display Name of an existing cluster that you want to search for.

  • id - (Optional) ID of the cluster you want to search for.

Either display_name or id must be provided. If none, or both are provided, the datasource will return an error.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are returned by the datasource:

  • edition - Cluster edition. Playground, business or enterprise.

  • mongodb_version - The MongoDB version of your cluster. Updates to the value of the field force the cluster to be re-created.

  • template_id - The unique ID of the template, which specifies the number of cores, storage size, and memory. Updates to the value of the field force the cluster to be re-created.

  • instances - The total number of instances in the cluster (one master and n-1 standbys). Example: 3, 5, 7. Updates to the value of the field force the cluster to be re-created.

  • display_name - The name of your cluster. Updates to the value of the field force the cluster to be re-created.

  • location - The connection string for your cluster. Updates to the value of the field force the cluster to be re-created.

  • connections - Details about the network connection for your cluster. Updates to the value of the field force the cluster to be re-created.

    • datacenter_id - The datacenter to connect your cluster to.

    • lan_id - The LAN to connect your cluster to.

    • cidr - The IP and subnet for the database. Must be same number as instances. Note the following unavailable IP ranges:,, Please input in the correct format like IP/Subnet, exp: See Private IPs and Cluster Setup - Preparing the network.

    • whitelist - List of whitelisted CIDRs

  • maintenance_window - A weekly 4 hour-long window, during which maintenance might occur. Updates to the value of the field force the cluster to be re-created.

    • time

    • day_of_the_week

  • connection_string - The physical location where the cluster will be created. This will be where all of your instances live. Updates to the value of the field force the cluster to be re-created. Available locations: de/txl, gb/lhr, es/vit"

  • ram - The amount of memory per instance in megabytes. Required for enterprise edition.

  • storage_size - The amount of storage per instance in MB. Required for enterprise edition.

  • storage_type - The storage type used in your cluster. Required for enterprise edition.

  • cores - The number of CPU cores per replica. Required for enterprise edition.

  • backup

    • location: The location where the cluster backups will be stored. If not set, the backup is stored in the nearest location of the cluster. Possible values are de, eu-south-2, or eu-central-2.

Last updated