Data Platform Cluster

Creates and manages Dataplatform Cluster objects.

Manages a Dataplatform Cluster.

Example Usage

resource "ionoscloud_datacenter" "example" {
  name        = "Datacenter_Example"
  location    = "de/txl"
  description = "Datacenter for testing Dataplatform Cluster"

resource "ionoscloud_lan" "example" {
  datacenter_id =
  public        = false
  name          = "LAN_Example"

resource "ionoscloud_dataplatform_cluster" "example" {
  datacenter_id   		=
  name 					= "Dataplatform_Cluster_Example"
  maintenance_window {
    day_of_the_week  	= "Sunday"
    time				= "09:00:00"
  version	= "23.11"
  lans {
    lan_id =
    dhcp = false
    routes {
      network = ""
      gateway = ""

Argument reference

  • datacenter_id - (Required)[string] The UUID of the virtual data center (VDC) the cluster is provisioned.

  • name - (Required)[string] The name of your cluster. Must be 63 characters or less and must be empty or begin and end with an alphanumeric character ([a-z0-9A-Z]). It can contain dashes (-), underscores (_), dots (.), and alphanumerics in-between.

  • version - (Optional)[int] The version of the Data Platform.

  • maintenance_window - (Optional) Starting time of a weekly 4 hour-long window, during which maintenance might occur in hh:mm:ss format

    • time - (Required)[string] Time at which the maintenance should start. Must conform to the 'HH:MM:SS' 24-hour format. This pattern matches the "HH:MM:SS 24-hour format with leading 0" format. For more information take a look at this link.

    • day_of_the_week - (Required)[string] Must be set with one the values Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

  • lans - (Optional)[list] A list of LANs you want this node pool to be part of.

    • lan_id - (Required)[string] The LAN ID of an existing LAN at the related data center.

    • dhcp - (Optional)[bool] Indicates if the Kubernetes node pool LAN will reserve an IP using DHCP. The default value is 'true'.

    • routes - (Optional)[list] An array of additional LANs attached to worker nodes.

      • gateway - (Required)[string] IPv4 or IPv6 gateway IP for the route.

      • network - (Required)[string] IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR to be routed via the interface.


Resource Dataplatform Cluster can be imported using the cluster_id, e.g.

terraform import ionoscloud_dataplatform_cluster.mycluser {cluster uuid}

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