
Creates and manages DBaaS MariaDB Cluster objects.

Manages a DBaaS MariaDB Cluster.

Example Usage

resource "ionoscloud_datacenter" "example" {
  name                    = "example"
  location                = "de/txl"
  description             = "Datacenter for testing DBaaS cluster"

resource "ionoscloud_lan"  "example" {
  datacenter_id           = 
  public                  = false
  name                    = "example"

resource "ionoscloud_server" "example" {
  name                    = "example"
  datacenter_id           =
  cores                   = 2
  ram                     = 2048
  availability_zone       = "ZONE_1"
  cpu_family              = "INTEL_SKYLAKE"
  image_name              = "rockylinux-8-GenericCloud-20230518"
  image_password          = "password"
  volume {
    name                  = "example"
    size                  = 10
    disk_type             = "SSD Standard"
  nic {
    lan                   =
    name                  = "example"
    dhcp                  = true

locals {
 prefix                   = format("%s/%s", ionoscloud_server.example.nic[0].ips[0], "24")
 database_ip              = cidrhost(local.prefix, 1)
 database_ip_cidr         = format("%s/%s", local.database_ip, "24")

resource "ionoscloud_mariadb_cluster" "example" {
  mariadb_version         = "10.6"
  location                = "de/txl"
  instances               = 1
  cores                   = 4
  ram                     = 4
  storage_size            = 10
  connections   {
    datacenter_id         = 
    lan_id                = 
    cidr                  =  local.database_ip_cidr
  display_name            = "MariaDB_cluster"
  maintenance_window {
    day_of_the_week       = "Sunday"
    time                  = "09:00:00"
  credentials {
    username              = "username"
    password              = random_password.cluster_password.result
resource "random_password" "cluster_password" {
  length           = 16
  special          = true
  override_special = "!#$%&*()-_=+[]{}<>:?"

Argument reference

  • mariadb_version - (Required)[string] The MariaDB version of your cluster. Cannot be downgraded.

  • instances - (Required)[int] The total number of instances in the cluster (one primary and n-1 secondary).

  • location- (Optional)[string] The location in which the cluster will be created. Different service endpoints are used based on location, possible options are: "de/fra", "de/txl", "es/vit", "fr/par", "gb/lhr", "us/ewr", "us/las", "us/mci". If not set, the endpoint will be the one corresponding to "de/txl".

  • cores - (Required)[int] The number of CPU cores per instance.

  • ram - (Required)[int] The amount of memory per instance in gigabytes (GB).

  • storage_size - (Required)[int] The amount of storage per instance in gigabytes (GB).

  • connections - (Required) The network connection for your cluster. Only one connection is allowed.

    • datacenter_id - (Required)[true] The datacenter to connect your cluster to.

    • lan_id - (Required)[true] The numeric LAN ID to connect your cluster to.

    • cidr - (Required)[true] The IP and subnet for the database. Note the following unavailable IP ranges:,, Please enter in the correct format like IP/Subnet, exp: See Private IPs and Configuring the network.

  • display_name - (Required)[string] The friendly name of your cluster.

  • maintenance_window - (Optional)(Computed) A weekly 4 hour-long window, during which maintenance might occur

    • time - (Required)[string] Start of the maintenance window in UTC time.

    • day_of_the_week - (Required)[string] The name of the week day.

  • credentials - (Required) Credentials for the database user to be created.

    • username - (Required)[string] The username for the initial MariaDB user. Some system usernames are restricted (e.g 'mariadb', 'admin', 'standby').

    • password - (Required)[string] The password for a MariaDB user.

  • dns_name - (Computed)[string] The DNS name pointing to your cluster.

⚠ WARNING: IONOS_API_URL_MARIADB can be used to set a custom API URL for the MariaDB Cluster. location field needs to be empty, otherwise it will override the custom API URL. Setting endpoint or IONOS_API_URL does not have any effect.


Resource DBaaS MariaDB Cluster can be imported using the cluster_id and the location, separated by :, e.g.

terraform import ionoscloud_mariadb_cluster.mycluster location:cluster uuid

Last updated