Creates and manages IonosCloud VPN Wireguard Gateway Peer objects.
This page provides an overview of the ionoscloud_vpn_wireguard_peer
resource, which allows you to manage a WireGuard Peer in your cloud infrastructure. This resource enables the creation, management, and deletion of a WireGuard VPN Peer, facilitating secure connections between your network resources.
Example Usage
Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Required)[string] The ID of the WireGuard Gateway that the Peer will connect to.location
- (Optional)[string] The location of the WireGuard
- (Required)[string] The human-readable name of the WireGuard Gateway.public_key
- (Required)[string] The public key for the WireGuard Gateway.description
- (Optional)[string] A description of the WireGuard Gateway.allowed_ips
- (Required)[list, string] A list of subnet CIDRs that are allowed to connect to the WireGuard Gateway.endpoint
- (Optional)[block] An endpoint configuration block for the WireGuard Gateway. The structure of this block is as follows:host
- (Required)[string] The hostname or IPV4 address that the WireGuard Server will connect to.port
- (Optional)[int] The port that the WireGuard Server will connect to. Defaults to51820
Attributes Reference
In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:
- The current status of the WireGuard Gateway Peer.
WireGuard Peers can be imported using the gateway_id
and id
, e.g.,
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