⚠️ Note: the example bellow uses the targetGroupsDeleteWithHttpInfo which also returns the status code and the headers, if you don't need them you may use targetGroupsDelete instead
// Import classes:importcom.ionoscloud.ApiClient;importcom.ionoscloud.ApiException;importcom.ionoscloud.ApiResponse;importcom.ionoscloud.Configuration;importcom.ionoscloud.auth.*;importcom.ionoscloud.model.*;importcom.ionoscloud.api.TargetGroupsApi;publicclassExample {publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) {ApiClient defaultClient =Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();// Configure HTTP basic authorization: Basic AuthenticationHttpBasicAuth basicAuthentication = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("Basic Authentication");basicAuthentication.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");basicAuthentication.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");// Configure Api Key authorization: Token AuthenticationdefaultClient.setApiKeyWithBearerPrefix("YOUR TOKEN");TargetGroupsApi apiInstance =newTargetGroupsApi(defaultClient);String targetGroupId ="targetGroupId_example"; // String | The unique ID of the target group. Boolean pretty = true; // Boolean | Controls whether the response is pretty-printed (with indentations and new lines).
Integer depth = 0; // Integer | Controls the detail depth of the response objects. GET /datacenters/[ID] - depth=0: Only direct properties are included; children (servers and other elements) are not included. - depth=1: Direct properties and children references are included. - depth=2: Direct properties and children properties are included. - depth=3: Direct properties and children properties and children's children are included. - depth=... and so on
Integer xContractNumber = 56; // Integer | Users with multiple contracts must provide the contract number, for which all API requests are to be executed.
try {apiInstance.targetGroupsDeleteWithHttpInfo(targetGroupId, pretty, depth, xContractNumber); } catch (ApiException e) {System.err.println("Exception when calling TargetGroupsApi#targetGroupsDelete");System.err.println("Status code: "+e.getCode());System.err.println("Reason: "+e.getResponseBody());System.err.println("Response headers: "+e.getResponseHeaders());e.printStackTrace(); } }}
⚠️ Note: for the example above, you need to provide all parameters to the method call. Null values will resolve to the API defaults.
For convenience, you can alternatively use a builder, which allows to omit optional parameters:
⚠️ Note: the example bellow uses the targetgroupsFindByTargetGroupIdWithHttpInfo which also returns the status code and the headers, if you don't need them you may use targetgroupsFindByTargetGroupId instead
// Import classes:importcom.ionoscloud.ApiClient;importcom.ionoscloud.ApiException;importcom.ionoscloud.ApiResponse;importcom.ionoscloud.Configuration;importcom.ionoscloud.auth.*;importcom.ionoscloud.model.*;importcom.ionoscloud.api.TargetGroupsApi;publicclassExample {publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) {ApiClient defaultClient =Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();// Configure HTTP basic authorization: Basic AuthenticationHttpBasicAuth basicAuthentication = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("Basic Authentication");basicAuthentication.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");basicAuthentication.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");// Configure Api Key authorization: Token AuthenticationdefaultClient.setApiKeyWithBearerPrefix("YOUR TOKEN");TargetGroupsApi apiInstance =newTargetGroupsApi(defaultClient);String targetGroupId ="targetGroupId_example"; // String | The unique ID of the target group. Boolean pretty = true; // Boolean | Controls whether the response is pretty-printed (with indentations and new lines).
Integer depth = 0; // Integer | Controls the detail depth of the response objects. GET /datacenters/[ID] - depth=0: Only direct properties are included; children (servers and other elements) are not included. - depth=1: Direct properties and children references are included. - depth=2: Direct properties and children properties are included. - depth=3: Direct properties and children properties and children's children are included. - depth=... and so on
Integer xContractNumber = 56; // Integer | Users with multiple contracts must provide the contract number, for which all API requests are to be executed.
try { ApiResponse<TargetGroup> result = apiInstance.targetgroupsFindByTargetGroupIdWithHttpInfo(targetGroupId, pretty, depth, xContractNumber);
System.out.println("Response: "+result.getData());System.out.println("Status Code: "+result.getStatusCode());System.out.println("Headers: "+result.getHeaders()); } catch (ApiException e) {System.err.println("Exception when calling TargetGroupsApi#targetgroupsFindByTargetGroupId");System.err.println("Status code: "+e.getCode());System.err.println("Reason: "+e.getResponseBody());System.err.println("Response headers: "+e.getResponseHeaders());e.printStackTrace(); } }}
⚠️ Note: for the example above, you need to provide all parameters to the method call. Null values will resolve to the API defaults.
For convenience, you can alternatively use a builder, which allows to omit optional parameters:
try {TargetGroup result =apiInstance.targetgroupsFindByTargetGroupId(targetGroupId).pretty(true).depth(0).xContractNumber(56).execute();System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) {System.err.println("Exception when calling TargetGroupsApi#targetgroupsFindByTargetGroupId");System.err.println("Status code: "+e.getCode());System.err.println("Reason: "+e.getResponseBody());System.err.println("Response headers: "+e.getResponseHeaders());e.printStackTrace(); }
Lists target groups. A target group is a set of one or more registered targets. You must specify an IP address, a port number, and a weight for each target. Any object with an IP address in your VDC can be a target, for example, a VM, another load balancer, etc. You can register a target with multiple target groups.
⚠️ Note: the example bellow uses the targetgroupsGetWithHttpInfo which also returns the status code and the headers, if you don't need them you may use targetgroupsGet instead
// Import classes:importcom.ionoscloud.ApiClient;importcom.ionoscloud.ApiException;importcom.ionoscloud.ApiResponse;importcom.ionoscloud.Configuration;importcom.ionoscloud.auth.*;importcom.ionoscloud.model.*;importcom.ionoscloud.api.TargetGroupsApi;publicclassExample {publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) {ApiClient defaultClient =Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();// Configure HTTP basic authorization: Basic AuthenticationHttpBasicAuth basicAuthentication = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("Basic Authentication");basicAuthentication.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");basicAuthentication.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");// Configure Api Key authorization: Token AuthenticationdefaultClient.setApiKeyWithBearerPrefix("YOUR TOKEN");TargetGroupsApi apiInstance =newTargetGroupsApi(defaultClient); Boolean pretty = true; // Boolean | Controls whether the response is pretty-printed (with indentations and new lines).
Integer depth = 0; // Integer | Controls the detail depth of the response objects. GET /datacenters/[ID] - depth=0: Only direct properties are included; children (servers and other elements) are not included. - depth=1: Direct properties and children references are included. - depth=2: Direct properties and children properties are included. - depth=3: Direct properties and children properties and children's children are included. - depth=... and so on
Integer xContractNumber = 56; // Integer | Users with multiple contracts must provide the contract number, for which all API requests are to be executed.
Integer offset = 0; // Integer | The first element (from the complete list of the elements) to include in the response (used together with <b><i>limit</i></b> for pagination).
Integer limit = 100; // Integer | The maximum number of elements to return (used together with <b><i>offset</i></b> for pagination). It must not exceed <b><i>200</i></b>.
String orderBy ="orderBy_example"; // String | Order by fieldInteger maxResults ="maxResults_example"; // Integer | Maximum number of results to returnMap<String,String> filters =newHashMap<String,String>(); // Map<String, String> | Filter results by fieldtry { ApiResponse<TargetGroups> result = apiInstance.targetgroupsGetWithHttpInfo(pretty, depth, xContractNumber, offset, limit, orderBy, maxResults, filters);
System.out.println("Response: "+result.getData());System.out.println("Status Code: "+result.getStatusCode());System.out.println("Headers: "+result.getHeaders()); } catch (ApiException e) {System.err.println("Exception when calling TargetGroupsApi#targetgroupsGet");System.err.println("Status code: "+e.getCode());System.err.println("Reason: "+e.getResponseBody());System.err.println("Response headers: "+e.getResponseHeaders());e.printStackTrace(); } }}
⚠️ Note: for the example above, you need to provide all parameters to the method call. Null values will resolve to the API defaults.
For convenience, you can alternatively use a builder, which allows to omit optional parameters:
try {TargetGroups result =apiInstance.targetgroupsGet().pretty(true).depth(0).offset(0).limit(100).xContractNumber(56).orderBy("orderBy_example").maxResults(5).filters(filters).execute();System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) {System.err.println("Exception when calling TargetGroupsApi#targetgroupsGet");System.err.println("Status code: "+e.getCode());System.err.println("Reason: "+e.getResponseBody());System.err.println("Response headers: "+e.getResponseHeaders());e.printStackTrace(); }
⚠️ Note: the example bellow uses the targetgroupsPatchWithHttpInfo which also returns the status code and the headers, if you don't need them you may use targetgroupsPatch instead
// Import classes:importcom.ionoscloud.ApiClient;importcom.ionoscloud.ApiException;importcom.ionoscloud.ApiResponse;importcom.ionoscloud.Configuration;importcom.ionoscloud.auth.*;importcom.ionoscloud.model.*;importcom.ionoscloud.api.TargetGroupsApi;publicclassExample {publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) {ApiClient defaultClient =Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();// Configure HTTP basic authorization: Basic AuthenticationHttpBasicAuth basicAuthentication = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("Basic Authentication");basicAuthentication.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");basicAuthentication.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");// Configure Api Key authorization: Token AuthenticationdefaultClient.setApiKeyWithBearerPrefix("YOUR TOKEN");TargetGroupsApi apiInstance =newTargetGroupsApi(defaultClient);String targetGroupId ="targetGroupId_example"; // String | The unique ID of the target group. algorithm = new String(); // String | The balancing algorithm. A balancing algorithm consists of predefined rules with the logic that a load balancer uses to distribute network traffic between servers. - **Round Robin**: Targets are served alternately according to their weighting. - **Least Connection**: The target with the least active connection is served. - **Random**: The targets are served based on a consistent pseudorandom algorithm. - **Source IP**: It is ensured that the same client IP address reaches the same target.
name =newString(); // String | The target group name. protocol =newString(); // String | The forwarding protocol. Only the value 'HTTP' is allowed. targetGroupProperties = new TargetGroupProperties(String, String, String); // TargetGroupProperties | The target group properties to be updated.
Boolean pretty = true; // Boolean | Controls whether the response is pretty-printed (with indentations and new lines).
Integer depth = 0; // Integer | Controls the detail depth of the response objects. GET /datacenters/[ID] - depth=0: Only direct properties are included; children (servers and other elements) are not included. - depth=1: Direct properties and children references are included. - depth=2: Direct properties and children properties are included. - depth=3: Direct properties and children properties and children's children are included. - depth=... and so on
Integer xContractNumber = 56; // Integer | Users with multiple contracts must provide the contract number, for which all API requests are to be executed.
try { ApiResponse<TargetGroup> result = apiInstance.targetgroupsPatchWithHttpInfo(targetGroupId, targetGroupProperties, pretty, depth, xContractNumber);
System.out.println("Response: "+result.getData());System.out.println("Status Code: "+result.getStatusCode());System.out.println("Headers: "+result.getHeaders()); } catch (ApiException e) {System.err.println("Exception when calling TargetGroupsApi#targetgroupsPatch");System.err.println("Status code: "+e.getCode());System.err.println("Reason: "+e.getResponseBody());System.err.println("Response headers: "+e.getResponseHeaders());e.printStackTrace(); } }}
⚠️ Note: for the example above, you need to provide all parameters to the method call. Null values will resolve to the API defaults.
For convenience, you can alternatively use a builder, which allows to omit optional parameters:
try {TargetGroup result =apiInstance.targetgroupsPatch(targetGroupId, targetGroupProperties).pretty(true).depth(0).xContractNumber(56).execute();System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) {System.err.println("Exception when calling TargetGroupsApi#targetgroupsPatch");System.err.println("Status code: "+e.getCode());System.err.println("Reason: "+e.getResponseBody());System.err.println("Response headers: "+e.getResponseHeaders());e.printStackTrace(); }
⚠️ Note: the example bellow uses the targetgroupsPostWithHttpInfo which also returns the status code and the headers, if you don't need them you may use targetgroupsPost instead
// Import classes:importcom.ionoscloud.ApiClient;importcom.ionoscloud.ApiException;importcom.ionoscloud.ApiResponse;importcom.ionoscloud.Configuration;importcom.ionoscloud.auth.*;importcom.ionoscloud.model.*;importcom.ionoscloud.api.TargetGroupsApi;publicclassExample {publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) {ApiClient defaultClient =Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();// Configure HTTP basic authorization: Basic AuthenticationHttpBasicAuth basicAuthentication = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("Basic Authentication");basicAuthentication.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");basicAuthentication.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");// Configure Api Key authorization: Token AuthenticationdefaultClient.setApiKeyWithBearerPrefix("YOUR TOKEN");TargetGroupsApi apiInstance =newTargetGroupsApi(defaultClient); properties =newTargetGroupProperties(); // TargetGroupProperties | targetGroup =newTargetGroup(TargetGroupProperties); // TargetGroup | The target group to create. Boolean pretty = true; // Boolean | Controls whether the response is pretty-printed (with indentations and new lines).
Integer depth = 0; // Integer | Controls the detail depth of the response objects. GET /datacenters/[ID] - depth=0: Only direct properties are included; children (servers and other elements) are not included. - depth=1: Direct properties and children references are included. - depth=2: Direct properties and children properties are included. - depth=3: Direct properties and children properties and children's children are included. - depth=... and so on
Integer xContractNumber = 56; // Integer | Users with multiple contracts must provide the contract number, for which all API requests are to be executed.
try { ApiResponse<TargetGroup> result = apiInstance.targetgroupsPostWithHttpInfo(targetGroup, pretty, depth, xContractNumber);
System.out.println("Response: "+result.getData());System.out.println("Status Code: "+result.getStatusCode());System.out.println("Headers: "+result.getHeaders()); } catch (ApiException e) {System.err.println("Exception when calling TargetGroupsApi#targetgroupsPost");System.err.println("Status code: "+e.getCode());System.err.println("Reason: "+e.getResponseBody());System.err.println("Response headers: "+e.getResponseHeaders());e.printStackTrace(); } }}
⚠️ Note: for the example above, you need to provide all parameters to the method call. Null values will resolve to the API defaults.
For convenience, you can alternatively use a builder, which allows to omit optional parameters:
try {TargetGroup result =apiInstance.targetgroupsPost(targetGroup).pretty(true).depth(0).xContractNumber(56).execute();System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) {System.err.println("Exception when calling TargetGroupsApi#targetgroupsPost");System.err.println("Status code: "+e.getCode());System.err.println("Reason: "+e.getResponseBody());System.err.println("Response headers: "+e.getResponseHeaders());e.printStackTrace(); }
⚠️ Note: the example bellow uses the targetgroupsPutWithHttpInfo which also returns the status code and the headers, if you don't need them you may use targetgroupsPut instead
// Import classes:importcom.ionoscloud.ApiClient;importcom.ionoscloud.ApiException;importcom.ionoscloud.ApiResponse;importcom.ionoscloud.Configuration;importcom.ionoscloud.auth.*;importcom.ionoscloud.model.*;importcom.ionoscloud.api.TargetGroupsApi;publicclassExample {publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) {ApiClient defaultClient =Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();// Configure HTTP basic authorization: Basic AuthenticationHttpBasicAuth basicAuthentication = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("Basic Authentication");basicAuthentication.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");basicAuthentication.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");// Configure Api Key authorization: Token AuthenticationdefaultClient.setApiKeyWithBearerPrefix("YOUR TOKEN");TargetGroupsApi apiInstance =newTargetGroupsApi(defaultClient);String targetGroupId ="targetGroupId_example"; // String | The unique ID of the target group. properties =newTargetGroupProperties(); // TargetGroupProperties | targetGroup =newTargetGroupPut(TargetGroupProperties); // TargetGroupPut | The modified target group. Boolean pretty = true; // Boolean | Controls whether the response is pretty-printed (with indentations and new lines).
Integer depth = 0; // Integer | Controls the detail depth of the response objects. GET /datacenters/[ID] - depth=0: Only direct properties are included; children (servers and other elements) are not included. - depth=1: Direct properties and children references are included. - depth=2: Direct properties and children properties are included. - depth=3: Direct properties and children properties and children's children are included. - depth=... and so on
Integer xContractNumber = 56; // Integer | Users with multiple contracts must provide the contract number, for which all API requests are to be executed.
try { ApiResponse<TargetGroup> result = apiInstance.targetgroupsPutWithHttpInfo(targetGroupId, targetGroup, pretty, depth, xContractNumber);
System.out.println("Response: "+result.getData());System.out.println("Status Code: "+result.getStatusCode());System.out.println("Headers: "+result.getHeaders()); } catch (ApiException e) {System.err.println("Exception when calling TargetGroupsApi#targetgroupsPut");System.err.println("Status code: "+e.getCode());System.err.println("Reason: "+e.getResponseBody());System.err.println("Response headers: "+e.getResponseHeaders());e.printStackTrace(); } }}
⚠️ Note: for the example above, you need to provide all parameters to the method call. Null values will resolve to the API defaults.
For convenience, you can alternatively use a builder, which allows to omit optional parameters:
try {TargetGroup result =apiInstance.targetgroupsPut(targetGroupId, targetGroup).pretty(true).depth(0).xContractNumber(56).execute();System.out.println(result); } catch (ApiException e) {System.err.println("Exception when calling TargetGroupsApi#targetgroupsPut");System.err.println("Status code: "+e.getCode());System.err.println("Reason: "+e.getResponseBody());System.err.println("Response headers: "+e.getResponseHeaders());e.printStackTrace(); }