
Generate manpages for ionosctl


ionosctl man [flags]


For man command:



WARNING: This command is only supported on Linux.

The 'man' command allows you to generate manpages for ionosctl in a given directory. By default, the manpages will be compressed using gzip, but you can skip this step by using the '--skip-compression' flag. In order to install the manpages, there are a few steps you need to follow:

  • Decide where you would like to install the manpages. You can check which directories are available to you by running 'manpath'. If you want to install the manpages to a directory that is not listed, you can add a new entry to '~/.manpath' (see 'man 5 manpath' for how to do it). The directory must contain subdirectories for each section (e.g. 'man1', 'man5', etc.).

  • Copy the manpages to the installation directory, in the 'man1' section.

  • Run 'sudo mandb' to update the 'man' internal database.

After following these steps, you should be able to use 'man ionosctl' to access the manpages.


  -u, --api-url string      Override default host url (default "")
  -c, --config string       Configuration file used for authentication (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ionosctl/config.json")
  -f, --force               Force command to execute without user input
  -h, --help                Print usage
      --no-headers          Don't print table headers when table output is used
  -o, --output string       Desired output format [text|json|api-json] (default "text")
  -q, --quiet               Quiet output
      --skip-compression    Skip compressing manpages with gzip, just generate them
      --target-dir string   Target directory where manpages will be generated. Must be an absolute path (default "/tmp/ionosctl-man")
  -v, --verbose             Print step-by-step process when running command


ionosctl man --target-dir /tmp/ionosctl-man

Last updated