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ionosctl group update [flags]
[u up]
--access-certs Privilege for a group to access and manage certificates. E.g.: --access-certs=true, --access-certs=false
--access-dns Privilege for a group to access and manage dns records
--access-logs The group will be allowed to access the activity log. E.g.: --access-logs=true, --access-logs=false
--access-monitoring Privilege for a group to access and manage monitoring related functionality using Monotoring-as-a-Service. E.g.: --access-monitoring=true, --access-monitoring=false
-u, --api-url string Override default host url (default "")
--cols strings Set of columns to be printed on output
Available columns: [GroupId Name CreateDataCenter CreateSnapshot ReserveIp AccessActivityLog CreatePcc S3Privilege CreateBackupUnit CreateInternetAccess CreateK8s CreateFlowLog AccessAndManageMonitoring AccessAndManageCertificates AccessAndManageDns ManageDBaaS ManageRegistry ManageDataplatform] (default [GroupId,Name,CreateDataCenter,CreateSnapshot,CreatePcc,CreateBackupUnit,CreateInternetAccess,CreateK8s,ReserveIp])
-c, --config string Configuration file used for authentication (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ionosctl/config.json")
--create-backup The group will be able to manage Backup Units. E.g.: --create-backup=true, --create-backup=false
--create-dc The group will be allowed to create Data Centers. E.g.: --create-dc=true, --create-dc=false
--create-flowlog The group will be allowed to create Flow Logs. E.g.: --create-flowlog=true, --create-flowlog=false
--create-k8s The group will be allowed to create K8s Clusters. E.g.: --create-k8s=true, --create-k8s=false
--create-nic The group will be allowed to create NICs. E.g.: --create-nic=true, --create-nic=false
--create-pcc The group will be allowed to create PCCs. E.g.: --create-pcc=true, --create-pcc=false
--create-snapshot The group will be allowed to create Snapshots. E.g.: --create-snapshot=true, --create-snapshot=false
-D, --depth int32 Controls the detail depth of the response objects. Max depth is 10.
-f, --force Force command to execute without user input
-i, --group-id string The unique Group Id (required)
-h, --help Print usage
--manage-dataplatform Privilege for a group to access and manage the Data Platform
--manage-dbaas Privilege for a group to manage DBaaS related functionality
--manage-registry Privilege for group accessing container registry related functionality
-n, --name string Name for the Group
--no-headers Don't print table headers when table output is used
-o, --output string Desired output format [text|json|api-json] (default "text")
-q, --quiet Quiet output
--reserve-ip The group will be allowed to reserve IP addresses. E.g.: --reserve-ip=true, --reserve-ip=false
--s3privilege The group will be allowed to manage S3. E.g.: --s3privilege=true, --s3privilege=false
-t, --timeout int Timeout option for Request for Group update [seconds] (default 60)
-v, --verbose Print step-by-step process when running command
-w, --wait-for-request Wait for Request for Group update to be executed
ionosctl group update --group-id GROUP_ID --reserve-ip
Update a Group