
Create a PostgreSQL Cluster


ionosctl dbaas postgres cluster create [flags]


For postgres command:


For cluster command:


For create command:



Use this command to create a new PostgreSQL Cluster. You must set the unique ID of the Datacenter, the unique ID of the LAN, and IP and subnet. If the other options are not set, the default values will be used. Regarding the location field, if it is not manually set, it will be used the location of the Datacenter.

Required values to run command:

  • Datacenter Id

  • Lan Id

  • CIDR (IP and subnet)

  • Credentials for the database user: Username and Password


  -u, --api-url string            Override default host url (default "")
  -b, --backup-id string          The unique ID of the backup you want to restore
  -B, --backup-location string    The S3 location where the backups will be stored
  -C, --cidr string               The IP and subnet for the cluster. Note the following unavailable IP ranges:,, e.g.: (required)
      --cols strings              Set of columns to be printed on output 
                                  Available columns: [ClusterId DisplayName Location State PostgresVersion Instances Ram Cores StorageSize StorageType DatacenterId LanId Cidr MaintenanceWindow SynchronizationMode BackupLocation] (default [ClusterId,DisplayName,Location,DatacenterId,LanId,Cidr,Instances,State])
  -c, --config string             Configuration file used for authentication (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ionosctl/config.json")
      --cores int                 The number of CPU cores per instance. Minimum: 1 (default 2)
  -D, --datacenter-id string      The unique ID of the Datacenter to connect to your cluster (required)
  -P, --db-password string        Password for the initial postgres user (required)
  -U, --db-username string        Username for the initial postgres user. Some system usernames are restricted (e.g. postgres, admin, standby) (required)
  -f, --force                     Force command to execute without user input
  -h, --help                      Print usage
  -I, --instances int             The number of instances in your cluster (one master and n-1 standbys). Minimum: 1. Maximum: 5 (default 1)
  -L, --lan-id string             The unique ID of the LAN to connect your cluster to (required)
      --location-id string        The physical location where the cluster will be created. It cannot be modified after datacenter creation. If not set, it will be used Datacenter's location
  -d, --maintenance-day string    Day Of the Week for the MaintenanceWindows. The MaintenanceWindow is a weekly 4 hour-long windows, during which maintenance might occur
  -T, --maintenance-time string   Time for the MaintenanceWindows. The MaintenanceWindow is a weekly 4 hour-long windows, during which maintenance might occur. e.g.: 16:30:59
  -n, --name string               The friendly name of your cluster (default "UnnamedCluster")
      --no-headers                Don't print table headers when table output is used
  -o, --output string             Desired output format [text|json|api-json] (default "text")
  -q, --quiet                     Quiet output
      --ram string                The amount of memory per instance. Size must be specified in multiples of 1024. The default unit is MB. Minimum: 2048. e.g. --ram 2048, --ram 2048MB, --ram 2GB (default "3GB")
  -R, --recovery-time string      If this value is supplied as ISO 8601 timestamp, the backup will be replayed up until the given timestamp. If empty, the backup will be applied completely
      --storage-size string       The amount of storage per instance. The default unit is MB. e.g.: --size 20480 or --size 20480MB or --size 20GB (default "20GB")
      --storage-type string       The storage type used in your cluster: HDD, SSD, SSD_PREMIUM, SSD_STANDARD. (Value "SSD" is deprecated. Use the equivalent "SSD_PREMIUM" instead) (default "HDD")
  -S, --sync string               Synchronization Mode. Represents different modes of replication (default "ASYNCHRONOUS")
  -t, --timeout int               Timeout option for Cluster to be in AVAILABLE state[seconds] (default 1200)
  -v, --verbose                   Print step-by-step process when running command
  -V, --version string            The PostgreSQL version of your Cluster (default "13")
  -W, --wait-for-state            Wait for Cluster to be in AVAILABLE state


ionosctl dbaas postgres cluster create --datacenter-id DATACENTER_ID --lan-id LAN_ID --cidr CIDR --db-username DB_USERNAME --db-password DB_PASSWORD

ionosctl dbaas postgres cluster create -D DATACENTER_ID -L LAN_ID -C CIDR -U DB_USERNAME -P DB_PASSWORD

Last updated