Create a IPSec tunnel
ionosctl vpn ipsec tunnel create [flags]
For tunnel
For create
[c post]
Create IPSec tunnels
-u, --api-url string Override default host URL (default "")
--auth-method string The authentication method for the IPSec tunnel. Valid values are PSK or RSA (required)
--cloud-network-cidrs strings The network CIDRs on the "Left" side that are allowed to connect to the IPSec tunnel, i.e the CIDRs within your IONOS Cloud LAN. Specify "" or "::/0" for all addresses.
--cols strings Set of columns to be printed on output
Available columns: [ID Name Description RemoteHost AuthMethod PSKKey IKEDiffieHellmanGroup IKEEncryptionAlgorithm IKEIntegrityAlgorithm IKELifetime ESPDiffieHellmanGroup ESPEncryptionAlgorithm ESPIntegrityAlgorithm ESPLifetime CloudNetworkCIDRs PeerNetworkCIDRs Status StatusMessage]
-c, --config string Configuration file used for authentication (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ionosctl/config.json")
--description string Description of the IPSec Tunnel
--esp-diffie-hellman-group string The Diffie-Hellman Group to use for IPSec Encryption.. Can be one of: 15-MODP3072, 16-MODP4096, 19-ECP256, 20-ECP384, 21-ECP521, 28-ECP256BP, 29-ECP384BP, 30-ECP512BP
--esp-encryption-algorithm string The encryption algorithm to use for IPSec Encryption.. Can be one of: AES128-CTR, AES256-CTR, AES128-GCM-16, AES256-GCM-16, AES128-GCM-12, AES256-GCM-12, AES128-CCM-12, AES256-CCM-12, AES128, AES256
--esp-integrity-algorithm string The integrity algorithm to use for IPSec Encryption.. Can be one of: SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, AES-XCBC
--esp-lifetime int32 The phase lifetime in seconds
-f, --force Force command to execute without user input
-i, --gateway-id string The ID of the IPSec Gateway (required)
-h, --help Print usage
--host string The remote peer host fully qualified domain name or IPV4 IP to connect to. * __Note__: This should be the public IP of the remote peer. * Tunnels only support IPV4 or hostname (fully qualified DNS name). (required)
--ike-diffie-hellman-group string The Diffie-Hellman Group to use for IPSec Encryption.. Can be one of: 15-MODP3072, 16-MODP4096, 19-ECP256, 20-ECP384, 21-ECP521, 28-ECP256BP, 29-ECP384BP, 30-ECP512BP
--ike-encryption-algorithm string The encryption algorithm to use for IPSec Encryption.. Can be one of: AES128, AES256
--ike-integrity-algorithm string The integrity algorithm to use for IPSec Encryption.. Can be one of: SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, AES-XCBC
--ike-lifetime int32 The phase lifetime in seconds
--json-properties string Path to a JSON file containing the desired properties. Overrides any other properties set.
--json-properties-example If set, prints a complete JSON which could be used for --json-properties and exits. Hint: Pipe me to a .json file
-l, --location string Location of the resource to operate on. Can be one of: de/fra, de/txl, es/vit, fr/par, gb/lhr, gb/bhx, us/ewr, us/las, us/mci
--name string Name of the IPSec Tunnel (required)
--no-headers Don't print table headers when table output is used
-o, --output string Desired output format [text|json|api-json] (default "text")
--peer-network-cidrs strings The network CIDRs on the "Right" side that are allowed to connect to the IPSec tunnel. Specify "" or "::/0" for all addresses.
--psk-key string The pre-shared key for the IPSec tunnel (required)
-q, --quiet Quiet output
-v, --verbose Print step-by-step process when running command
ionosctl vpn ipsec tunnel create --gateway-id GATEWAY_ID --name NAME --host HOST --auth-method AUTH_METHOD --psk-key PSK_KEY --ike-diffie-hellman-group IKE_DIFFIE_HELLMAN_GROUP --ike-encryption-algorithm IKE_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM --ike-integrity-algorithm IKE_INTEGRITY_ALGORITHM --ike-lifetime IKE_LIFETIME --esp-diffie-hellman-group ESP_DIFFIE_HELLMAN_GROUP --esp-encryption-algorithm ESP_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM --esp-integrity-algorithm ESP_INTEGRITY_ALGORITHM --esp-lifetime ESP_LIFETIME --cloud-network-cidrs CLOUD_NETWORK_CIDRS --peer-network-cidrs PEER_NETWORK_CIDRS
ionosctl vpn ipsec tunnel create --json-properties JSON_PROPERTIES
ionosctl vpn ipsec tunnel create --json-properties JSON_PROPERTIES json-properties-example
Last updated