Create a Group
ionosctl group create [flags]
For group
For create
Use this command to create a new Group and set Group privileges. You can specify the name for the new Group. By default, all privileges will be set to false. You need to use flags privileges to be set to true.
--access-certs Privilege for a group to access and manage certificates. E.g.: --access-certs=true, --access-certs=false
--access-dns Privilege for a group to access and manage dns records
--access-logs The group will be allowed to access the activity log. E.g.: --access-logs=true, --access-logs=false
--access-monitoring Privilege for a group to access and manage monitoring related functionality using Monotoring-as-a-Service. E.g.: --access-monitoring=true, --access-monitoring=false
-u, --api-url string Override default host url (default "")
--cols strings Set of columns to be printed on output
Available columns: [GroupId Name CreateDataCenter CreateSnapshot ReserveIp AccessActivityLog CreatePcc S3Privilege CreateBackupUnit CreateInternetAccess CreateK8s CreateFlowLog AccessAndManageMonitoring AccessAndManageCertificates AccessAndManageDns ManageDBaaS ManageRegistry ManageDataplatform] (default [GroupId,Name,CreateDataCenter,CreateSnapshot,CreatePcc,CreateBackupUnit,CreateInternetAccess,CreateK8s,ReserveIp])
-c, --config string Configuration file used for authentication (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ionosctl/config.json")
--create-backup The group will be able to manage Backup Units. E.g.: --create-backup=true, --create-backup=false
--create-dc The group will be allowed to create Data Centers. E.g.: --create-dc=true, --create-dc=false
--create-flowlog The group will be allowed to create Flow Logs. E.g.: --create-flowlog=true, --create-flowlog=false
--create-k8s The group will be allowed to create K8s Clusters. E.g.: --create-k8s=true, --create-k8s=false
--create-nic The group will be allowed to create NICs. E.g.: --create-nic=true, --create-nic=false
--create-pcc The group will be allowed to create PCCs. E.g.: --create-pcc=true, --create-pcc=false
--create-snapshot The group will be allowed to create Snapshots. E.g.: --create-snapshot=true, --create-snapshot=false
-D, --depth int32 Controls the detail depth of the response objects. Max depth is 10.
-f, --force Force command to execute without user input
-h, --help Print usage
--manage-dataplatform Privilege for a group to access and manage the Data Platform
--manage-dbaas Privilege for a group to manage DBaaS related functionality
--manage-registry Privilege for group accessing container registry related functionality
-n, --name string Name for the Group (default "Unnamed Group")
--no-headers Don't print table headers when table output is used
-o, --output string Desired output format [text|json|api-json] (default "text")
-q, --quiet Quiet output
--reserve-ip The group will be allowed to reserve IP addresses. E.g.: --reserve-ip=true, --reserve-ip=false
--s3privilege The group will be allowed to manage S3. E.g.: --s3privilege=true, --s3privilege=false
-t, --timeout int Timeout option for Request for Group creation [seconds] (default 60)
-v, --verbose Print step-by-step process when running command
-w, --wait-for-request Wait for Request for Group creation to be executed
ionosctl group create --name NAME --wait-for-request
Last updated