
Upload an image to FTP server using FTP over TLS (FTPS)


ionosctl image upload [flags]


For image command:


For upload command:

[ftp-upload ftp upl]


WARNING: This command can only be used if 2-Factor Authentication is disabled on your account and you're logged in using IONOS_USERNAME and IONOS_PASSWORD environment variables (see "Authenticating with Ionos Cloud" at https://docs.ionos.com/cli-ionosctl).

OVERVIEW: Use this command to securely upload one or more HDD or ISO images to the specified FTP server using FTP over TLS (FTPS). This command supports a variety of options to provide flexibility during the upload process:

  • The command supports renaming the uploaded images with the '--image-alias' flag. If uploading multiple images, you must provide an alias for each image.

  • Specify the context deadline for the FTP connection using the '--timeout' flag. The operation as a whole will terminate after the specified number of seconds, i.e. if the FTP upload had finished but your PATCH operation did not, only the PATCH operation will be intrerrupted. POST-UPLOAD OPERATIONS: By default, this command will query 'GET /images' endpoint for your uploaded images, then try to use 'PATCH /images/' to update the uploaded images with the given property fields.

  • It is necessary to use valid API credentials for this.

  • To skip this API behaviour, you can use '--skip-update'. CUSTOM URLs: This command supports usage of other FTP servers too, not just the IONOS ones.

  • The '--location' flag is only required if your '--ftp-url' contains a placeholder variable (i.e. %s). In this case, for every location in that slice, an attempt of FTP upload would be made at the URL computed by embedding it into the placeholder variable

  • Use the '--skip-verify' flag to skip the verification of the server certificate. This can be useful when using a custom ftp-url, but be warned that this could expose you to a man-in-the-middle attack.

  • If you're using a self-signed FTP server, you can provide the path to the server certificate file in base64 PEM format using the '--crt-path' flag.


  -u, --api-url string           Override default host url (default "https://api.ionos.com")
      --cloud-init string        Cloud init compatibility. Can be one of: V1, NONE (default "V1")
      --cols strings             Set of columns to be printed on output 
                                 Available columns: [ImageId Name ImageAliases Location Size LicenceType ImageType Description Public CloudInit CreatedDate CreatedBy CreatedByUserId] (default [ImageId,Name,ImageAliases,Location,LicenceType,ImageType,CloudInit,CreatedDate])
  -c, --config string            Configuration file used for authentication (default "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ionosctl/config.json")
      --cpu-hot-plug             'Hot-Plug' CPU. It is not possible to have a hot-unplug CPU which you previously did not hot-plug (default true)
      --cpu-hot-unplug           'Hot-Unplug' CPU. It is not possible to have a hot-unplug CPU which you previously did not hot-plug
      --crt-path string          (Not needed for IONOS FTP Servers) Path to file containing server certificate. If your FTP server is self-signed, you need to add the server certificate to the list of certificate authorities trusted by the client.
  -d, --description string       Description of the Image
      --disc-scsi-hot-plug       'Hot-Plug' SCSI drive (default true)
      --disc-scsi-hot-unplug     'Hot-Unplug' SCSI drive
      --disc-virtio-hot-plug     'Hot-Plug' Virt-IO drive (default true)
      --disc-virtio-hot-unplug   'Hot-Unplug' Virt-IO drive
  -f, --force                    Force command to execute without user input
      --ftp-url string           URL of FTP server, with %s flag if location is embedded into url (default "ftp-%s.ionos.com")
  -h, --help                     Print usage
  -i, --image strings            Slice of paths to images, can be absolute path or relative to current working directory (required)
      --licence-type string      The OS type of this image. Can be one of: LINUX, RHEL, WINDOWS, WINDOWS2016, UNKNOWN, OTHER (default "UNKNOWN")
  -l, --location strings         Location to upload to. Must be an array containing only fra, fkb, txl, lhr, las, ewr, vit if not using --ftp-url (required)
  -n, --name string              Name of the Image
      --nic-hot-plug             'Hot-Plug' NIC (default true)
      --nic-hot-unplug           'Hot-Unplug' NIC
      --no-headers               Don't print table headers when table output is used
  -o, --output string            Desired output format [text|json|api-json] (default "text")
  -q, --quiet                    Quiet output
      --ram-hot-plug             'Hot-Plug' RAM (default true)
      --ram-hot-unplug           'Hot-Unplug' RAM
      --rename strings           Rename the uploaded images before trying to upload. These names should not contain any extension. By default, this is the base of the image path
      --skip-update              Skip setting image properties after it has been uploaded. Normal behavior is to send a PATCH to the API, after the image has been uploaded, with the contents of the image properties flags and emulate a "create" command.
      --skip-verify              Skip verification of server certificate, useful if using a custom ftp-url. WARNING: You can be the target of a man-in-the-middle attack!
  -t, --timeout int              (seconds) Context Deadline. FTP connection will time out after this many seconds (default 300)
  -v, --verbose                  Print step-by-step process when running command


- 'ionosctl img upload -i kolibri.iso -l fkb,fra,vit --skip-update': Simply upload the image 'kolibri.iso' from the current directory to IONOS FTP servers 'ftp://ftp-fkb.ionos.com/iso-images', 'ftp://ftp-fra.ionos.com/iso-images', 'ftp://ftp-vit.ionos.com/iso-images'.
- 'ionosctl img upload -i kolibri.iso -l fra': Upload the image 'kolibri.iso' from the current directory to IONOS FTP server 'ftp://ftp-fra.ionos.com/iso-images'. Once the upload has finished, start querying 'GET /images' with a filter for 'kolibri', to get the UUID of the image as seen by the Images API. When UUID is found, perform a 'PATCH /images/<UUID>' to set the default flag values.
- 'ionosctl img upload -i kolibri.iso --skip-update --skip-verify --ftp-url': Use your own custom server. Use skip verify to skip checking server's identity
- 'ionosctl img upload -i kolibri.iso -l fra --ftp-url ftp://myComplexFTPServer/locations/%s --crt-path certificates/my-servers-cert.crt --location Paris,Berlin,LA,ZZZ --skip-update': Upload the image to multiple FTP servers, with location embedding into URL.

Last updated