View Certificates
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Once a certificate is successfully created, it is listed on the Certificates page.
To view the certificate details, follow these steps:
In the DCD, go to Menu > Network > Certificate Manager under Security.
Result: A list of certificates created is displayed under the Certificates tab. This section lists both certificates and auto-certificates. For every certificate listed, you can view the following details:
NAME: Displays the certificate name. Select the name to view the respective certificate details.
STATE: Displays the state of the certificate. Possible values are as follows:
Available: The certificate is available for use.
PROVISIONING: The certificate is either being updated, created, or deleted.
FAILED: The certificate issuance or validation has failed.
COMMON NAME: Host or domain name for which the certificate is issued.
EXPIRY DATE: Displays the date when the certificate is set to expire. For auto certificates, the actual certificates are displayed with the status Renews Automatically, and the renewed auto certificate is displayed with the new expiry date timestamp.
OPTIONS: Select to perform the following:
Details & Edit: You can view and edit the selected certificate's details.
Copy UUID: Copy the UUID of the certificate to use this identifier in the API calls.
Delete: Deletes the selected certificate. In the dialog box that appears, select Delete to confirm deletion. For more information, see Delete a Certificate.
1. In the DCD, go to Menu > Network > Certificate Manager under Security.
2. From the list of Certificates listed under the Certificates tab, select the NAME for which you want to view the details.
Result: For the selected certificate which is imported, you can view the following details:
UUID: The unique ID of the certificate.
State: Displays the state of the certificate.
Creation Date: Specifies the date and time of certificate creation.
Created By: Unique IONOS identity specifying the user who created the certificate.
Serial Number: Represents the certificate serial number which is in hex format. Example: 39:64:54:AC:C0:C9:27:2F:69:51:66:16:92:27:E6:95:D3:60:8D:C4
Start Date: Represents the date and time when a digital certificate becomes valid and can be used for authentication, encryption, or other purposes. For example,2025-09-04T11:47:50Z
End Date: Represents the date and time when a digital certificate expires and is no longer valid for authentication, encryption, or other purposes. For example,2026-09-04T11:47:50Z
Resource URN: A Uniform Resource Name (URN) that uniquely identifies the resources of the certificate, which is represented as ionos:certificates:cloud:32948187:auto-certificates/418007d4-adf9-47f4-b260-e26f26d40647>
Last Modified: Specifies the date and time when the certificate was last modified.
Last Modified by: Unique IONOS identity specifying the user who modified the certificate.
Auto Certificate UUID: The unique ID of the certificate that can auto-renew themselves on expiry. This ID is available only for the Auto certificate certificate type.
Common Name: An alternative name for the certificate.
Subject Alternative Names: Additional host or domain names protected by the certificate. You can add upto 10 alternative names.
Properties: This includes the Name, Certificate, and the Certificate Chain. Use this section to Copy the certificate information, Edit Certificate, or Delete Certificate.
Result: For the selected certificate which is an auto certificate, you can view the following details:
Provider Name: Displays the ACME Provider name for the auto certificated created.
Last Issued Certificate: Specifies the date and time when the auto certificate was last issued.
State: Displays the state of the certificate.
Creation Date: Specifies the date and time of auto certificate creation.
Created By: Unique IONOS identity specifying the user who created the certificate.
Provider UUID: Displays an identifier that uniquely identifies a public-private key pair associated with a digital certificate.
Resource URN: A Uniform Resource Name (URN) that uniquely identifies the resources of the certificate, which is represented as ionos:certificates:cloud:32948187:auto-certificates/418007d4-adf9-47f4-b260-e26f26d40647>
Last Modified: Specifies the date and time when the auto certificate was last modified.
Last Modified by: Unique IONOS identity specifying the user who modified the auto certificate.
Auto Certificate UUID: The unique ID of the auto certificate that can auto-renew themselves on expiry.
Properties: This includes the Name, Key Algorithm, Common Name, and the Subject Alternative Names. Use this section to Copy the certificate information, Edit Certificate, or Delete Certificate.