Create Registry Token
This section shows you how to create a registry token. We assume the following prerequisite:
In this guide, we used test named repository to create registry tokens. Therefore, it is important that the you know your container registry name.
With the POST
request, you get the registry token. You will need to provide registry ID:
Note: The sample requestID
is 789f8e3c-d5c8-4359-8f85-c200fb89e97c
200 OK - Successfully showed the list of registries
Response Fields
Your values will differ from those in the sample code. Your response will have a different
for your token.Save the username and password in the reponse sample for using the Docker commands.
409 - Conflict
Docker CLI
If you want to push your local images to docker repository, you need to login to it using:
You need to enter the following options to login:
For more information, refer to the the Docker Commands.
You can push the images to your registry by providing all required information. You can query registries and look at images manifest, discover tags, delete layers and delete manifest etc. In the Docker API calls:
You can use the name of registry
Authenticate the API calls with a token
To know more, explore the Docker Documentation. On the other hand, DCD uses an easy to opt passthrough feature which as discussed uses Basic Auth feature, so you dont need to use a separate authentication method for Data Center Designer (DCD).
Last updated