Create a MariaDB Cluster

The request creates a new MariaDB cluster.


  • Only contract administrators, owners, and users with Access and manage DBaaS privilege can create and manage MariaDB clusters. Ensure that you have the necessary privilege.


curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "properties": {
    "mariadbVersion": "10.6",
    "instances": 2,
    "cores": 4,
    "ram": 2,
    "storageSize": 10,
    "connections": [
        "datacenterId": "5a029f4a-72e5-11ec-90d6-0242ac120003",
        "lanId": "2",
        "cidr": ""
    "displayName": "MariaDB cluster",
    "maintenanceWindow": {
      "time": "16:30:59",
      "dayOfTheWeek": "Monday"
    "credentials": {
      "username": "db-admin",
      "password": "TopSecret!"


Your values will differ from those in the sample code. It may contain different IDs, timestamps etc.

You may have noticed that the metadata.state is BUSY and that the database is not yet reachable. This is because the cloud will create a completely new cluster and needs to provision new nodes for all the requested replicas. This process runs asynchronously in the background and might take up to 30 minutes.

200 Successful operation

  "type": "cluster",
  "id": "498ae72f-411f-11eb-9d07-046c59cc737e",
  "metadata": {
    "createdDate": "2020-12-10T13:37:50+01:00",
    "createdBy": "",
    "createdByUserId": "87f9a82e-b28d-49ed-9d04-fba2c0459cd3",
    "lastModifiedDate": "2020-12-11T13:37:50+01:00",
    "lastModifiedBy": "",
    "lastModifiedByUserId": "87f9a82e-b28d-49ed-9d04-fba2c0459cd3",
    "state": "BUSY"
  "properties": {
    "displayName": "MariaDB cluster",
    "mariadbVersion": "10.6",
    "dnsName": "",
    "instances": 2,
    "ram": 2,
    "cores": 4,
    "storageSize": 10,
    "connections": [
        "datacenterId": "5a029f4a-72e5-11ec-90d6-0242ac120003",
        "lanId": "2",
        "cidr": ""
    "maintenanceWindow": {
      "time": "16:30:59",
      "dayOfTheWeek": "Monday"

After creation, remember to validate the status of your MariaDB cluster. For more information, see Verify the Status of a MariaDB Cluster.

Last updated

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