Access Object Storage from a Private LAN

Using an Object Storage endpoint with a Managed Network Load Balancer (NLB) creates a secure connection to use IONOS Object Storage within your work environment.

To access Object Storage from a private LAN using NLB, follow these steps:


— Set up an NLB by following the steps in Create a NLB. If a load balancer already exists, then it has a private IP address.

— Use the public IP addresses of the desired Endpoints as the Target IP address.

1. In the DCD, select the NLB element to open its properties in the Inspector pane on the right.

2. In the Settings, provide the information such as Name, Primary IPv4, and Add IP settings. Adding one or more additional Listener IPs is optional. For more information, see Settings.

Note: Public IPs must be reserved first. You can reserve public IPs by following the steps in Reserve an IPv4 address.

3. In the Private IPs, add the private IP. To do so, follow the steps in Add and delete IPs.

4. In the Forwarding rules, add a forwarding rule as follows:

  • Select the Private IP as the Listener IP of the forwarding rule.

  • Choose any algorithm.

  • The protocol can be used as TCP, which is the default value.

For more information, see Create a rule.

5. Add target by using these values:

  • Target IP: Select a corresponding Target IP value that is the public IP address of the desired endpoint.

Following is the example of IP address values obtained for the endpoints:

Target IP Address

  • Target Port: Use the value 443. This is the specific port on which a service or application is running on a server.

  • Weight: Enter a target weight from 1 to 256.

  • Proxy Protocol: Choose none for disabling the proxy protocol.

For more information, see the steps in Create a target.

6. Click PROVISION CHANGES to save the configurations and apply them.

7. Configure /etc/hosts on the backend server. For example, run the following command to open the file with sudo privileges:sudo nano /etc/hosts.

  • Edit the file /etc/hosts by adding a new line with a private listener IP address followed by the endpoint. This will map a specific domain to the private IP address of your NLB.


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