Create a Monitoring Pipeline Instance

To create or update a Pipeline, you need to provide the complete Pipeline configuration. If you wish to create a new Pipeline or modify an existing one with a specified ID, you should include all necessary details in your request. Optional fields will be automatically populated with default values or left empty if not provided. To ensure that the Pipeline is created or updated correctly, perform a PUT request with the full Pipeline data.

Pipeline authentication for secure metric ingestion

To ensure secure and authorized metric data submission, each Monitoring Pipeline is assigned a unique key upon creation. This key acts as a credential for metric exporters or agents pushing data to the pipeline's HTTP endpoint.

For security reasons, the API key is not returned in the response after creating a pipeline. It's crucial to store the key securely during pipeline creation for future reference.

Key points

  • The key is included in the metadata section of the pipeline response (see "key": "momSrlgAAEmaYEvBsMr^HsYn" in the example).

  • Metric exporters or agents must be configured to include this key in their requests to the pipeline's HTTP endpoint for successful data ingestion.

  • This mechanism safeguards the pipeline from unauthorized data submissions and maintains data integrity within the Monitoring Service.

Best practices

  • Store the pipeline key securely for authorized metric sources only.

  • Avoid sharing or exposing the key publicly.

  • Consider rotating pipeline keys periodically for enhanced security.

To create a Monitoring Pipeline, perform a POST request.


curl --location \
--request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN' \
--data '{
  "metadata": {},
  "properties": {
    "name": "Pipeline1"

Below is the list of mandatory body parameters for creating a Pipeline:

Body ParametersRequiredTypeDescriptionExample









A pipeline consists of the generic rules and configurations of a monitoring pipeline instance.

{ "name": "Pipeline1" }



Name of your Pipeline.



The following is a sample response. The values returned by each response differ based on the request.

  "id": "f72521ba-1590-5998-bf96-6eb997a5887d",
  "type": "pipeline",
  "href": "/pipelines/f72521ba-1590-5998-bf96-6eb997a5887d",
  "metadata": {
    "createdDate": "2020-12-10T13:37:50+01:00",
    "createdBy": "ionos:identity:::users/87f9a82e-b28d-49ed-9d04-fba2c0459cd3",
    "createdByUserId": "87f9a82e-b28d-49ed-9d04-fba2c0459cd3",
    "lastModifiedDate": "2020-12-11T13:37:50+01:00",
    "lastModifiedBy": "ionos:identity:::users/87f9a82e-b28d-49ed-9d04-fba2c0459cd3",
    "lastModifiedByUserId": "87f9a82e-b28d-49ed-9d04-fba2c0459cd3",
    "resourceURN": "ionos:<product>:<location>:<contract>:<resource-path>",
    "status": "AVAILABLE",
    "statusMessage": null,
    "key": "momSrlgAAEmaYEvBsMr^HsYn",
    "grafanaEndpoint": "",
    "httpEndpoint": ""
  "properties": {
    "name": "Pipeline1"

Result: A Monitoring Pipeline is successfully created.

Last updated