Create and Manage a Reverse DNS Record
Only contract administrators, owners, and users with accessAndManageDns privilege can create and manage DNS zones and DNS records via the API. You can also set User privileges in the DCD.
Sub-users can create Reverse DNS records only if the user group they belong to has access to the concerned IP block. For more information, see Add users to a group.
Cloud DNS API supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for Reverse DNS records.
For more information about IPv6 configuration in the DCD see IPv6 Configuration.
You need an IONOS Cloud account with API credentials configured with the appropriate permissions.
Before creating a Reverse DNS record, you must create an A record for the IP address you want to use for the reverse DNS record. For more information, see Create a DNS Record.
To create a Reverse DNS Record with Cloud DNS API, follow this step:
Perform a POST request with name, a description of reverse DNS record (optional), and the IP.
The IPv4 address must be from a reserved IP range. To reserve an IPv4 address, in the DCD go to the Menu > Management > IP Management. Enter a name and the number of IPv4 addresses, and select a region where you want your IPv4 addresses to be reserved. Select Reserve IP to reserve the IPv4 address, and confirm the reservation by pressing OK.
To use an IPv6 address for a reverse DNS record, it needs to belong to any of the /56 IPv6 blocks assigned to the VDC and have a prefix length of /128, that is, 2001:db8:1234:5678::1/128 and belongs to a 2001:db8:1234:5678::/56 block. For more information, see IPv6 Configuration.
Result: On a successful POST request, you receive a response containing the reverse DNS record UUID, type, href, metadata, properties of your reverse DNS record, name, description, and IP address.
200 Successful operation
Create an IPv6 reverse DNS record
To create an IPv6 reverse DNS record, perform a POST request to the /reverserecords
endpoint with an IPv6 address in the request body.
200 Successful operation
Response Fields
Retrieve all reverse DNS records
To retrieve all reverse DNS records, perform a GET request to the /reverserecords
Result: On a successful GET request, you receive a response containing all reverse DNS records.
200 Successful operation
Response Fields
Retrieve a reverse DNS record
To retrieve a reverse DNS record, perform a GET request to the /reverserecords/{id}
Result: On a successful GET request, you receive a response containing the reverse DNS record UUID, type, href, metadata, and properties of your reverse DNS record, name, description, and IP.
200 Successful operation
Response Fields
Modify a reverse DNS record
To modify a reverse DNS record, perform a PUT request to the /reverserecords/{id}
Result: On a successful PUT request, you receive a response containing the reverse DNS record UUID, type, href, metadata, and properties of your reverse DNS record, name, description, and IP.
200 Successful operation
Response Fields
Delete a reverse DNS record
To delete a reverse DNS record, perform a DELETE request to the /reverserecords/{id}
Result: On a successful DELETE request, you receive a HTTP response 202 Successful operation.
202 Successful operation
To retrieve the quota of reverse DNS records, perform a GET request to the /quota
Result: On a successful GET request, you receive a response containing the quota limits and quota usage for your contract.
200 OK
Response Fields
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