Features and Benefits


The Cloud DNS offers the following key capabilities:

  • High Availability: The IONOS Cloud DNS infrastructure is designed with redundancy at every level, including multiple DNS servers, network links, power sources, and data centers. This redundancy ensures that if one component fails, another can take over and continue to provide service without interruption.

  • Fully Managed Service: The DNS infrastructure provides the service as a SaaS model.

  • Automation: The Cloud DNS API lets you automatically create, update, and delete DNS zones and records.


  • Global Network: With a distributed network of DNS servers, IONOS provides faster resolution times by serving requests from the nearest location, reducing latency and improving DNS lookup performance.

  • Fast Propagation: Changes to DNS records propagate quickly, minimizing downtime during updates or migrations.

  • Access Control for Zones: You can assign permissions based on the roles and responsibilities, thus controlling access to the zone records.

  • Security: Enhanced security measures, including DDoS protection and DNSSEC, help to protect your domain from attacks and ensure the integrity of the DNS records.

  • Custom DNS Records: You can create various DNS records, such as A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, and TXT, tailored to your specific requirements.

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