Ensures that the IPSec Tunnel with the provided ID is created or modified. The full IPSec Tunnel needs to be provided to ensure (either update or create) the IPSec Tunnel. Non present data will only be filled with defaults or left empty, but not take previous values into consideration.s
To ensure that the IPSec Tunnel with the provided ID is created or modified, perform PUT request.
Note: If IPSec Tunnel for a given tunnelId does not exist, a new one is created instead.
Use the following endpoint to ensure that IPSec Tunnel is created or modified: https://vpn.de-fra.ionos.com/ipsecgateways/{gatewayId}/tunnels/{tunnelId}.
Note: The following request contains a sample gatewayId and tunnelId. Replace them with the gatewayId and tunnelId values whose information you want to update.